Cookie Policy

Last updated: 28.11.2023

This Cookie Policy explains how VIKA DANCE ACADEMY Ltd. ("we", "us", "our") uses cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website at ("Website"). It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners to make their websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information.

Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, are called "first-party cookies". Cookies set by parties other than the website owner are called "third-party cookies". Third-party cookies enable third-party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (e.g. analytics, advertising).

Why do we use cookies?

We use first-party and third-party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our Website to operate. Other cookies enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Website. Third parties serve cookies through our Website for analytics and other purposes.

The specific types of first- and third-party cookies served through our Website and the purposes they perform are described in further detail below:

Authentication and Security: We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you're logged in so we can make it easier for you to access the services that require authentication, as well as protect your account from unauthorized access. Analytics: We use cookies to collect information about how you use our Website to help us improve it over time. This information includes the pages you visit, the links you click, and other actions you take on our Website. Adverising: We use cookies to adjust performance of our ad campains in social media and other resources. We use Facebook Custom Audiences to deliver advertisements to Website Visitors on Facebook based on email addresses that we have collected. You may leam more about Facebook Custom Audiences by visiting, and you may leam how to opt-out of receiving advertisements from Cvent based on your email address by visiting the section below titled "Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information." We also may use information associated with Visitor social media accounts, such as demographic and other information about an individual's title, industry or organization, to improve our marketing efforts if that individual connects those social media accounts to a Website profile. Preferences: We use cookies to remember your preferences and settings on our Website to personalize your experience accordingly.

What are your choices regarding cookies?

If you'd like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser. Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.

Where can you find more information about cookies?

You can learn more about cookies and the following third-party websites:

Supabase: Google Analytics: Meta Pixel: